More from the Kelby 7-Point System, before and afters

Just playing…





What is interesting for me, is I am finding through using Kelby’s system I am developing a better self critical eye. Photos I loved before in their SOOC form I now am recropping or even less in love with because when I try to place the light or drama into the photo…I continue to push and ask what is the main subject. What is the story being told here…etc.

So tell me, do you like the manipulated shots? Please keep in mind…I am only on Chapter 2…I still have 19 more chapters full of great slick tips and tricks to learn. But I would love to know…are these better? and why?

And the results are in…

A double challenge month that it was…

First the Workspace challenge…it is under the webgallery under…wait, for it…”work”

And then we have “SCARY” Pictures, also in our gallery…I must say we have wide ranging expressions of what makes the hairs raise on our arms; from the more traditional gravesides to others that are deeply personal.

We as a group have a deep thread of arachnophobia and two of you have mycophobia? What is up with that?

With November’s Challenge being about Macro Food…I would like us all really focus on the technical aspects of light play within the images. Play with light and see what it does with your subject.

Good work, gang! I can’t wait to hear the discussions.